In This Hypothetical World..
i can talk to my mind , listen to my heart ,
see just peace , smell flower's fragrance,
touch impossible things to reach..
and feel everything good just no rancor or hatred ..
no killing no poor no war no class struggles ... nothing wrong nothing bad
just like "Van Gogh" work "Starry Night"
i live in a manner of "amnesia" this is some of "loss of memory" in my dreams and my state..
maybe to allege that i have kind of "ESP" Extra Sensory Perception means communicating wiz some things by just thinking it's called "telepathy" by communicating by "mind-mind"... some thing complicated.
mabroooooooooooook 3ala el blog .. bgad gamed moooot .. mestanen el poems beta3ak :)
isa 2orayeb ... "coming soon" entazero al mofaga2a
بعد السلام عليكم
مبروك المدونة الجديدة
و نورت عالم التدوين
شد حيلك يا بطل
ألف شكر يا أبو صلاح وأهلا بيك في أول تجاربي وعالمي الجديد
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